


Chronic Low Back Pain

What is Chronic Low Back Pain

Chronic low back pain is one of the most common pain in the world. It is also possible to state that chronic low back pain affects peoples social life negatively and indicates different serious problems. Accordingly, people may resort to various methods for relieving low back pain. However, these methods are sometimes improperly applied and may cause a much worse problem rather than relieve chronic low back pain. Chronic low back pain usually occurs due to posture disorders, low back strain, and problems in the lower back muscles and joints. Although chronic low back pain is minimized by limiting physical activity, it may not be completely resolved. So, why does chronic low back pain occur?

Chronic Low Back Pain  Reasons Chronic Low Back Pain  Reasons Chronic Low Back Pain  Reasons 

There are several different causes of chronic low back pain. It is possible to explain the causes of chronic low back pain as follows. 
We have stated that chronic low back pain may have different causes. It is caused by many diseases such as brucellosis, tuberculosis, bone resorption and calcification. In addition, cancer spread from the spine or located in the spine can cause low back pain. Causes of low back pain include liver, kidney and stomach disorders. Finally, we can state that chronic backbone networks can also occur psychologically. Chronic low back pain usually occurs between men and women aged 35 to 45 years. The incidence of chronic low back pain is more common in people over 60 years of age. In addition, weight gain, pregnancy and standing for a long time causes increased chronic low back pain. 

Chronic Low Back Pain  treatment Chronic Low Back Pain  treatment Chronic Low Back Pain  treatment 

Chronic low back pain can be treated according to the causes. Therefore, in order to treat chronic low back pain, the cause of chronic low back pain must be found first. Thermal water sources are also used for chronic low back pain. It is possible to get rid of chronic low back pain with the thermal springs at Ridos Hotel. If you have chronic low back pain, you can choose Ridos Hotel.